May 16, 2023

Pre-requisites for MC Personalization

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While MC Personalization (formerly known as and most commonly referred to as Interaction Studio )is a term that can be recognised by those of you that have been using Salesforce, we wanted to take this opportunity to introduce it to anyone and everyone looking to up their marketing game.

Interaction Studio (formerly Evergage) is a vital tool in the Salesforce product suite that helps digital marketers with 1-on-1 personalization, focusing on increasing engagement and subsequently, conversions. But what exactly does that mean? Using real-time cross-channel personalization and ML capabilities, Interaction Studio enables firms to deliver the most relevant experiences using cross-channel personalization across all possible touch points.

With the right team to set it up, Interaction Studio can be enabled on websites across a multitude of industries that includes but is not limited to retail, healthcare, hospitality, etc. However, in order to truly implement Interaction Studio on a given website, there are a set of pre-requisites that need to be completed to initiate IS on a website. Today, we at Digital Urth will be breaking down the requisites to help kickstart a marketing breakthrough for your company.


Datasets in Interaction Studio are a collection of events, catalog configurations, and user profiles which keep Interaction Studio data separate and organized. Within your account, you may set up multiple datasets. Data sent to one dataset is separate from data in other datasets, so you can understand customer engagement differently.

  1. Log into Interaction Studio as an administrator or with "Configure Dataset" permissions.
  2. Click the avatar icon in the top right corner of the window, or click on the dataset indicated at the top of the screen (for example, "Engage").
  3. Select Manage Datasets.
  4. Click any column name to sort by that column.

Add a Dataset

  1. In Manage Datasets, click +Dataset.
  2. Enter the ID, which is the unique identifier for the dataset.
  3. Enter the Name, which is the display name for the dataset.
  4. Enable Track Accounts to track sites or applications that group users by accounts, otherwise the dataset will track only users.
  5. Confirm the information you enter is correct because after you create a dataset, you can't edit it.
  6. Click OK to create the dataset.

Once the Dataset is created, it generates the JS code which we refer to as “Beacon”.

To access the JavaScript integration code, you must be an Interaction Studio administrator at your company.

  1. Log into Interaction Studio as an administrator
  2. Select Web > JavaScript Integration
  3. If you have more than one dataset, select the one you want from the dropdown at the top left of the Interaction Studio window
  4. Select the tab for the beacon type: Synchronous or Asynchronous
  5. Copy the code as directed on the screen and place it into the HTML head element of your site to ensure that the beacon is loaded on every page of the site

To perform any actions/events on the website we need to install the extension which can be only available in the Google Chrome browser as Salesforce suggests to use for better results.

  1. Launch Google chrome
  2. Go to the menu and click on < Settings
  3. Setting < Extensions < chrome web store
  4. Install < Evergage Launcher
Evergage Launcher Extension

The first and most important step of implementing an interaction studio is to add the javascript beacon. Two types of integration methods for use when personalising parts of the page.

  1. Synchronous : The Web SDK loads completely before page contents load. This method of deployment is highly recommended for the best user experience. (For a synchronous integration, it is recommended that the beacon be deployed in the header of the site).
  2. Asynchronous : The Web SDK begins to load at the point it appears in the HTML; page contents continue to load/render while the Web SDK loads.

The beacon provides two-way communication between Interaction Studio and the website. You can find the beacon in Interaction Studio under

Web > Javascript Integration > Beacon.

It should look something like this:

<script type="text/javascript" async src="//"></script>

Copy this small code snippet and add it to your website! Your website can now communicate with the specified data set on Interaction Studio. Make sure you place your beacon in between the head tags of your site so that all the elements of your website are accessible.

Beacon capture the user data Beacon this includes pages visited, links clicked, time on site, number of visits, geolocation, and referral source.

Add the snippet as shown below:

Once you are done with this, your website can now communicate with Interaction Studio.

You can open the Interaction Studio launcher and check if your beacon is being detected by the extension, find Account and dataset details in IS < Dataset < Web <Site-Wide JavaScript.

Visual Editor

After adding the Javascript beacon, it is now time to connect every page of your website to Interaction studio. To do that, we have to create a Sitemap. A sitemap is a large block of javascript functions that determines the pages that are connected to the interaction studio, content areas to work on, and any events connected via Evergage.

Here is an example sitemap with bare minimum functions:

To add the javascript sitemap to your site:

Click the extension and toggle Visual Editor. Once the Visual Editor is opened, Click on sitemap and add your sitemap into the code editor. For your page to be accessible by interaction studio, we have to declare a page type.

  • global: The global configuration contains objects to be monitored by Interaction Studio on all page type configuration objects and the default page configuration (if defined) of your site.
  • pageTypes: The pageTypes configuration contains objects used to detect/match each different page type to be monitored on your site.
  • pageTypeDefault: If defined, the objects configured in pageTypeDefault are matched when all PageConfig objects in the pageTypes array resolve to false. Do remember that the pageTypeDefault matches this way only when the sitemap contains at least one validly constructed PageConfig object.

Lastly, Creating a Catalog and Audiences :

I. Catalog

Catalog objects, such as products or articles, represent key business objects with which a user can interact. You can configure these objects with a name, labels, custom attributes, and related catalog objects. User behavior is tracked against objects as well as against their related catalog objects.

Example of E-commerce: Products, Categories.

II. User segments: Segmentation is one of the key components of Interaction Studio. You can filter your users and accounts based on a wide range of criteria you define.

You can refer a detailed explanation by Digital Urth in this video below!

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