eCommerce Setup with Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud for Healthcare Industry

eCommerce Setup with Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud for Healthcare Industry

On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms.For years now, Adkrasol Design Studio was struggling to have a fully functional, navigable, fast loading,

Project info

Our Strategies
Our Challenges

Project Challenges

Following are the challenges which they were facing:

  • Setting Up Business Online: They wanted to grow their business online and reach out to a wider group of potential customers but they were not sure about the best approach for an online platform.
  • Multi-Currency Support: As they were planning to launch their online platform in the USA, Europe, and the United Kingdom, they wanted the system to support multiple currency features, allowing the user to select the currency they wanted to pay in and also to show the pricing as per the selected currency.
  • Tracking and Managing Orders: They wanted an easy system that allowed them to manage and track the orders placed over the site and to track the sales of different products. They wanted to fetch the inventory from a 3rd party supplier and wanted to manage the inventory based on the orders placed.
  • Personalization: As they were targeting different audiences and different countries, they wanted the online store to be appealing and the user should be able to connect more with the User experience.
  • Promotions and Offers: To keep the customer base intact they wanted to provide offers on various occasions and country-specific offers. They wanted discounts and additional promotional offers so that the customers get benefits and they can have a higher customer retention rate.
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